Frequently Asked Questions

St. Johns Appraisals LLC, located in St. Johns, FL, knows that the appraisal process comes with many questions. Below are some of the most common questions about appraisals and the appraisal process.

Question Mark Concept — St. Johns, FL — St. Johns Appraisals LLC
  • What is PMI?

    Private mortgage insurance is known as PMI. Some people must make this payment when they put less money into the house. Typically borrowers have to put down 20% of the home value to avoid PMI. If the borrower cannot repay the mortgage, PMI helps protect the bank, not the homeowner. An appraisal can show that your home value has grown and you no longer need PMI!

  • What Should I Expect When Hiring an Appraiser?

    When you hire an appraiser, you should anticipate a complete and accurate property appraisal. A qualified appraiser will evaluate the status, location, and other elements that affect the overall worth of your real estate. They will also calculate your property's fair market value using methods standard in the business.

  • What Qualifications Do Appraisers Need?

    To ensure they are qualified to perform appraisals, appraisers must possess relevant education and experience. To become licensed or certified, appraisers must also complete a predetermined number of specialized training hours and a state examination. Appraisers must be state-certified, no matter what state they are located in.

  • What Are the Most Important Considerations with Appraisals for Real Estate?

    Accuracy and fairness are the two most crucial factors when valuing real estate. The location, condition, and nearby sales/cost data are among the objective factors that appraisers must consider when determining a property's worth. They must also know local real estate market trends and regulations to ensure that their evaluations are current and correct.

  • What is an Appraisal Report?

    An appraisal report is a written statement of the appraiser's findings and conclusions regarding the worth of a property. It contains details on the property, such as its location, state, and characteristics, as well as a thorough analysis of recent nearby sales/cost data. The appraiser's final valuation of the property and an explanation of how they arrived at that value are included.    

  • What Circumstances Will You Appraise For?

    We will appraise your home for mortgages, refinancing, estate valuation, divorce valuation, sale of home, and more. When you need an appraisal, we're the ones to call.

Have more questions? Call (904) 522-4442.

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